Special issue: ‘Weighting: Practical Issues and ‘How to’ Approach

Special issue

Editors: Jean Dumais, Lars Kaczmirek, Stephanie Steinmetz, Caroline Vandenplas

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© the authors 2015. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons License


Weights, what should we do with it? Although all survey samplers will agree that the inclusion of weights in any statistical analyses is necessary to avoid biased estimates, the ‘how’ and ‘why’ are less obvious for data users. In many aspects, weights are just a bit of a mystery. With this collection of articles, ‘Survey Methods: Insights from the Field’ hopes to help its reader to gain a better understanding of weights, both on what they are and on the reasons why they should be included in analyses. The editors warmly thank all the authors who contributed to the thematic collection of article, especially Pierre Lavallée and Jean-François Beaumont who kindly accepted to write an introductory article. We also would like to thank our invited editors Jean Dumais and Stéphanie Steinmetz for their enthusiastic involvement in ‘Weighting: Practical issues and ‘How to’ Approach’. Lars Kaczmirek & Caroline Vandenplas


© the authors 2015. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons License

Weights, what should we do with it? Although all survey samplers will agree that the inclusion of weights in any statistical analyses is necessary to avoid biased estimates, the ‘how’ and ‘why’ are less obvious for data users. In many aspects, weights are just a bit of a mystery. With this collection of articles, ‘Survey Methods: Insights from the Field’ hopes to help its reader to gain a better understanding of weights, both on what they are and on the reasons why they should be included in analyses.

The editors warmly thank all the authors who contributed to the thematic collection of article, especially Pierre Lavallée and Jean-François Beaumont who kindly accepted to write an introductory article. We also would like to thank our invited editors Jean Dumais and Stephanie Steinmetz for their enthusiastic involvement in ‘Weighting: Practical issues and ‘How to’ Approach’.

Lars Kaczmirek & Caroline Vandenplas


Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Creative Commons License