Editorial Board
Natalja Menold, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Deputy editor in-chief
Oliver Lipps, FORS, Switzerland
Associate Editors
Johann Bacher, University of Linz, Austria
Gabriele Durrant, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Marcelo Jenny, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Birgit Jesske, Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft infas, Germany
Oliver Lipps, FORS, Switzerland
Matthias Sand, GESIS– Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany
Bernd Weiss, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany
Advisory Board
Sylvia Kritzinger, DIGITIZE!, Austria
Georg Lutz, FORS, Switzerland
Christof Wolf, GESIS, Germany
Past editors
July 2017 – July 2019
Lars Kaczmirek, AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive, University of Vienna, Austria and ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences, Australian National University
Founding editors
January 2013 – July 2017
Henning Best, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Peter Farago, formerly FORS, Switzerland
Dominique Joye, FORS/University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Lars Kaczmirek, AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive, University of Vienna and ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences, Australian National University
Caroline Vandenplas, B12 Consulting, formerly KU Leuven, Belgium
Christof Wolf, GESIS, Germany
Managing editor
Monika Vettovaglia-Lehner, FORS, Switzerland
Editorial board
The Editorial Board is composed of colleagues from all over Europe and from North America. Our members have different backgrounds (e.g., psychology, economics, education, statistics, sociology or politics) and position (e.g., professorship, PhD students, survey agency, non-profit institutions) to cover all aspects of survey methodology in the broad sense.
Daniela Ackermann-Piek, GESIS, Germany
Urs Aellig, LINK, Switzerland
Henning Best, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Jelke Bethlehem, U Leiden, Netherlands
Michael Blohm, GESIS, Germany
Annelies Blom, U Mannheim, Germany
René Brawand / Stefan Klug, DemoSCOPE, Switzerland
J. Michael Brick, U of Maryland, USA
Jamie Burnett, Kantar Public, London, UK
Mario Callegaro, Google UK, London, UK
Ralph Carstens, IEA DPC, Germany
Mick Couper, U Michigan, USA
Andreas Diekmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Jean Dumais, Statistics Canada, Canada
Gabriele B. Durrant, U Southampton, United Kingdom
Brad Edwards, Westat, USA
Stephanie Eckman, IAB, Germany
Tobias Gummer, GESIS, Germany
Marc Höglinger, U Zurich, Switzerland
Andreas Horr, U Mannheim, Germany
Ben Jann, U Bern, Switzerland
Robert Kecskes, GfK, Germany
Florian Keusch, U of Mannheim, Germany
Tina Kogovšek, U Ljubljana, Slovenia
Oyvind Langsrud, Statistics Norway
Edith de Leeuw, U Utrecht, The Netherlands
Geert Loosveldt, KU Leuven, IMPALLA, Belgium
Ruud Luijkx, U Tilburg, The Netherlands
Annemieke Luiten, CBS, Statistics Netherlands
Peter Lundquist, Statistics Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
Hideko Matsuo, U Leuven, Belgium
Colleen A. McClain, U Michigan, USA
Sabine Meinck, IEA Data Processing and Research Center, Hamburg, Germany
Bart Meuleman, U Leuven, Belgium
Christian Monseur, U Liege, Belgium
Christoph Müller, MIS Trend, Switzerland
Kristen Olson, U Nebraska- Lincoln, USA
Inge Pasteels, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Emilia Peytcheva, RTI International, USA
Alexandre Pollien, FORS, Switzerland
Stephen Quinlan, GESIS, Germany
Emanuela Sala, U of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Nicolas Scharioth, Pollion GmbH, Germany
Annette Scherpenzeel, U Tilburg, The Netherlands
Malte Schierholz, U Mannheim, Germany
Barry Schouten, Statistics Netherlands, The Netherlands
Matthias Schonlau, U of Waterloo, Canada
Henning Silber, GESIS, Germany
Tom W. Smith, U Chicago, USA
Stephanie Steinmetz, U Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ineke Stoop, SCP The Hague, The Netherlands
Bella Struminskaya, Utrecht U, The Netherlands
Vera Toepoel, U Utrecht, The Netherlands
Gordon Willis, NIH, USA
Wander van der Vaart, U of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, The Netherlands