Archive for "August 2023"

Cost Efficiency of Incentives in Mature Probability-based Online Panels

Oliver Lipps - FORS (Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences), Lausanne & University of Bern, Switzerland
Julien Jaquet - University of Geneva, Switzerland
Lukas Lauener - FORS (Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences), Lausanne, Switzerland
Anke Tresch - FORS (Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences), Lausanne & University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Nicolas Pekari - FORS (Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences), Lausanne, Switzerland

Little is known about the trade-off between response rates and sample selection on the one hand and costs of different incentives on the other hand in mature online panel surveys. In wave 5 of the Panel Survey of the Swiss Election Study (Selects), a conditional CHF 20 (cash) is used for the politically least interested, while the remaining sample is randomized in two incentive groups: a conditional CHF 10 (cash) and a lottery (5×300 CHF). In the two experimental groups, there are only small differences regarding sample composition, and response rates are only slightly higher in the more expensive cash …

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