Volume 3, issue 1 (2025)
- Does matching interviewer and respondent gender improve data quality and reduce social desirability bias? Evidence from a mobile phone survey in India
- Payal Hathi | Diane Coffey | Amit Thorat | Amanda Nagle - Who chooses a QR code over a URL to access a web screener in a national probability survey of older adults, and the impact on data quality
- Andrew L. Hupp | Heather M. Schroeder | Brady T. West | Eva Leissou | David R. Weir - Effects of mode and incentives on response rate, sample composition, and costs – experience from a self-administered mixed-mode survey of movers
- Manuela Schmidt | Alice Barth | Jörg Blasius - Is it Helpful to Include QR Codes on Mail Contact Materials for Self-Administered Web Surveys?
- Taylor Lewis | Nicole Lee | Dain Palmer | Hannah Matzke | Nik Prachand
Volume 2, issue 2 (2024)
- The Effect of Operationalization on the Correlation between Objective and Subjective Socioeconomic Status: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Luise Richter | Natalja Menold - Using surveys to assess students’ political knowledge: Evidence of a gender gap or disparate response styles?
- Christa E. Winkler - The Effect of Quick Response (QR) Codes on Response Rates and Respondent Composition: Results from a Statewide Experiment
- Kyle Endres | Erin O. Heiden | Ki Park - Time and sample quality in a Facebook ad-generated survey with Polish migrants in the UK
- Aneta Piekut |
Volume 2, issue 1 (2024)
- Do Question Topic and Placement Shape Survey Breakoff Rates?
- Luke Plutowski | Elizabeth J. Zechmeister - Asking Volunteers: Pitfalls and Solutions for Surveying Voluntary Organisations in Germany
- Christoph Thewes - Ten Hypotheses Generated for Increasing Survey Response Propensity Among Immigrants and Inhabitants of Socially Disadvantaged Areas
- Nora Theorin | Sebastian Lundmark - Designing Effective Mobile Phone Surveys: Insights from Mozambique on Optimizing Call Attempts and Evaluating Response, Refusal, and Contact Rates among Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Ilgi Bozdag | Hyunju Park - A Multimode Strategy to Contact Participants and Collect Responses in a Supplement to a Longitudinal Household Survey
- Angie Kistler | Sandra Decker | Darby Steiger | Jessica Novik
Volume 1, issue 3 (2023): Special issue on Food Acquisition Research and Methods
- Editorial: Recent Advances in Survey Methods for Collecting Food Data
- Elina T. Page | Christopher Antoun | Jeffrey Gonzalez | Linda Kantor | Florian Keusch | Lauren Miller | Alexander Wenz - Usability of Augmented-Reality Portion Estimators During 24-hour Dietary Recall Interviews
- Laura DiGrande | Shawn Karns | Elizabeth Kinyara | Sue Pedrazzani - Secondary Activities: Their Proximity to Primary Activities and Their Importance for Understanding Reports of Preparing and Consuming Meals
- Robert G. Rinderknecht | Long Doan | Liana C. Sayer - Review of Food Diaries Used to Collect Food Acquisition Data
- Ting Yan | Janice Machado - Exploring Optical Character Recognition (OCR) as a Method of Capturing Data from Food-Purchase Receipts
- Adam Kaderabek
Volume 1, issue 2 (2023)
- Willingness to Consent to Data Linkage in Austria – Results of a Pilot Study on Hypothetical Willingness for Different Domains
- Johann Bacher - Targeting Incentives in Mature Probability-based Online Panels
- Oliver Lipps | Max Felder | Lukas Lauener | Anna Meisser | Nicolas Pekari | Line Rennwald | Anke Tresch - Challenges in sampling students with and without special educational needs in inclusive settings for an educational longitudinal study
- Monja Schmitt | Cornelia Gresch | Amelie Labsch - Predicting panel attrition using multiple operationalisations of response time
- Isabella Minderop - Flying blind: Survey research among methadone and buprenorphine providers in Arizona
- Brady Benjamin | Meyerson Beth E. | Bentele Keith G. | *Corresponding author
Volume 1, issue 1 (2023)
- Questionnaire design in the FReDA panel recruitment: Challenges in transitioning from a face-to-face to a self-administered mixed-mode design
- Lisa Schmid | Tanja Kunz | Elias Naumann - Design of multiple open-ended probes in cognitive online pretests using web probing
- Cornelia Neuert | Timo Lenzner - Does the type of return postage affect response rates in follow-up mailings? Experimental findings from a citizen satisfaction survey
- Russell E. Ward - Presentation Format Differences in Factorial Surveys: Written Vignettes Versus Photo Vignettes
- Stefanie Eifler | Knut Petzold | Miryam Verbeek-Teres - Satisficing Behaviour in Web Surveys. Results from a Comparison of Web and Paper Mode across Four National Survey Experiments
- Sanne Lund Clement | Majbritt Kappelgaard Severin-Nielsen | Ditte Shamshiri-Petersen - The Randomized Overclaiming Method (ROME): A paradigm for assessing the validity of social desirability reduction techniques using objective measures
- Patrick Schnapp - The most successful interviewers in income questions: A SHARE study
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 22/12/22An overview of the scales’ characteristics for 10 well-established face-to-face social science surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/12/22Optimizing Advance Letters: Findings From a Cognitive Pretest
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 12/12/22Cost Efficiency of Incentives in Mature Probability-based Online Panels
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 08/12/22Are you listening? Examining the level of multitasking and distractions and their impact on data quality in a telephone survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 06/12/22Binary response format or 11-point scale? Measuring justice evaluations of earnings in the SOEP
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 28/11/22An Experiment Comparing Concurrent and Sequential Choice+ Mixed-Mode Data Collection Protocols in a Self-Administered Health Survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 22/09/22Family Forms Survey: Identifying Donor-Conceived Offspring, Donors, and Recipients in a National Panel
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 29/03/22The effect of advance letters on survey participation: The case of Ireland and the European Social Survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 25/01/22Measurement Challenges in Designing and Conducting Surveys on Urban Population: Experience from Bangladesh Urban Health Surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 12/10/21Revisiting the ESS R8 sample a year after – Lessons from a re-contact survey to test patterns of unit non-response in Hungary
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 01/10/21Respondent Understanding of Data Linkage Consent
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 30/08/21How does switching a Probability-Based Online Panel to a Smartphone-Optimized Design Affect Response Rates and Smartphone Use?
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 14/06/21Using Record Linkage to improve matching rates of subject-generated ID-codes – A practical example from a panel study in schools
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 07/06/21The Interviewer Performance Profile (IPP): A Paradata-Driven Tool for Monitoring and Managing Interviewer Performance
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 28/05/21Integrating online data collection in a household panel study: effects on second-wave participation
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/21Sequentially mixing modes in an election survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 17/05/21Shaking hands in a busy waiting room. The effects of the surveyor’s introduction and people present in the waiting room on the response rate
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 12/02/21Do shorter stated survey length and inclusion of a QR code in an invitation letter lead to better response rates?
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 10/12/20Multi-mode question pretesting: Using traditional cognitive interviews and online testing as complementary methods
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Using Geofences to Collect Survey Data: Lessons Learned From the IAB-SMART Study
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Collecting and using always-on location data in surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Page switching in mixed-device web surveys: prevalence and data quality
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Device effects on survey response quality. A comparison of smartphone, tablet and PC responses on a cross sectional probability sample
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Text Message (SMS) Pre-notifications, Invitations and Reminders for Web Surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Comparison of Quarterly and Yearly Calibration Data for Propensity Score Adjusted Web Survey Estimates
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Using Facebook and Instagram to Recruit Web Survey Participants: A Step-by-Step Guide and Application
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Editorial: From web surveys to mobile web to apps, sensors, and digital traces
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/12/20Special issue: Advancements in Online and Mobile Survey Methods
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 24/11/20Letting the cat out of the bag: The impact of respondent multitasking on disclosure of socially undesirable information and answers to knowledge questions
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 15/10/20Just a Difficult Election to Poll? How Context Affects Polling Accuracy
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 31/08/20Do supplemental list frames for subpopulations increase subpopulation sampling efficiency? Evidence from the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 23/07/20Assessing Nonresponse Bias by Permitting Individuals to Opt Out of a Survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 07/07/20The Impact of Nurse Continuity on Biosocial Survey Participation
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20Special issue: Fieldwork Monitoring Strategies for Interviewer-Administered Surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20Fieldwork Monitoring Strategies for Interviewer-Administered Surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20Using Geospatial Data to Monitor and Optimize Face-to-Face Fieldwork
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20Developments in fieldwork procedures and monitoring in longitudinal surveys: case prioritisation and electronic contact sheets on the UK Millennium Cohort Study
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20Using field monitoring strategies to improve panel sample representativeness: Application during data collection in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20Converting Nonrespondents in PIAAC Germany 2012 Using Responsive Measures
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20The utility of auxiliary data for survey response modeling: Evidence from the German Internet Panel
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20Improving Central Monitoring of Fieldwork in Cross-national Surveys: The Case of the Fieldwork Management System in the European Social Survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/20Fieldwork Monitoring in Practice: Insights from 17 Large-scale Social Science Surveys in Germany
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 05/03/20Method and transparency of online physician surveys: an overview
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 22/10/19Effective Strategies for Recording Interviewer Observations: Evidence from the PASS Study in Germany
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 15/08/19Analysing Poor Reading Skills: A Comparison Between PIAAC Literacy Levels and Reading components
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 17/05/19Comparison response patterns on landline and cell phone in a call back survey: effects of demographic characteristics and lag days
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Undercoverage of the elderly institutionalized population: The risk of biased estimates and the potentials of weighting
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19How to reach ‘hard-to-reach’ older people for research: The TIBaR model of recruitment
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Interviewing elderly in nursing homes – Respondent and survey characteristics as predictors of item nonresponse
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Effects of a sequential mixed-mode design on participation, contact and sample composition – Results of the pilot study “IMOA – Improving Health Monitoring in Old Age”
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Including nursing home residents in a general population health survey in Germany
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Sampling in Times of High Immigration: The Survey Process of the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19How to Implement Respondent-Driven Sampling in Practice: Insights from Surveying 24-Hour Migrant Home Care Workers
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Sampling Refugees for an Educational Longitudinal Survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Building a Sampling Frame for Migrant Populations via an Onomastic Approach – Lesson learned from the Austrian Immigrant Survey 2016
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Integration of Migrant Populations into Health Monitoring in Germany: Results from a Feasibility Study
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19From peer to peer: Reaching migrants from sub-Saharan Africa with research on sexual health utilizing community-based participatory health research
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Needles in Haystacks and Diamonds in the Rough: Using Probability and Nonprobability Methods to Survey Low-incidence Populations
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Measuring sexual behaviours and attitudes in hard-to-reach groups. A comparison of a non-probability web survey with a national probability sample survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Possible Uses of Nonprobability Sampling for the Social Sciences
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Inferences based on Probability Sampling or Nonprobability Sampling – Are They Nothing but a Question of Models?
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Probability and Nonprobability Sampling: Representative Surveys of hard-to-reach and hard-to-ask populations. Current surveys between the poles of theory and practice
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 02/04/19Special issue: ‘Probability and Nonprobability Sampling: Sampling of hard-to-reach survey populations’
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 22/03/19Pouring water into wine: revisiting the advantages of the crosswise model for asking sensitive questions
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 22/02/19Trust and Credibility in the U.S. Federal Statistical System
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 20/12/18International Nonresponse Trends across Countries and Years: An analysis of 36 years of Labour Force Survey data
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 16/11/18Validating occupational coding indexes for use in multi-country surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 15/11/18Investigating Respondent Multitasking and Distraction Using Self-reports and Interviewers’ Observations in a Dual-frame Telephone Survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 27/07/18Evaluation of Gaining Cooperation Methods for IVR Surveys in Low- and Middle-income Countries
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 18/05/18Collecting Multiple Data Linkage Consents in a Mixed-mode Survey: Evidence from a large-scale longitudinal study in the UK
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/04/18Response Rates in the European Social Survey: Increasing, Decreasing, or a Matter of Fieldwork Efforts?
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 15/03/18‘Don’t Know’ Responses to Survey Items on Trust in Police and Criminal Courts: A Word of Caution
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 23/01/18The Need to Account for Complex Sampling Features when Analyzing Establishment Survey Data: An Illustration using the 2013 Business Research and Development and Innovation Survey (BRDIS)
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 07/12/17Why were there three? – Determinants of the presence of an intimate partner during face-to-face interviews
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 01/12/17A Review of Reporting Standards in Academic Journals – A Research Note
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 16/11/17Does name order still matter for candidates in a presidential primary poll in the US? Lack of response order effect in a web survey experiment
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 10/10/17Measuring Immigrant Populations: Subjective versus Objective Assessments
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 21/09/17Effects of call patterns on the likelihood of contact and of interview in mobile CATI surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 24/08/17Comparing Continuous and Dichotomous Scoring of Social Desirability Scales: Effects of Different Scoring Methods on the Reliability and Validity of the Winkler-Kroh-Spiess BIDR Short Scale
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 16/05/17Testing the Validity of the Crosswise Model: A Study on Attitudes Towards Muslims
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 06/12/16Nonsampling errors and their implication for estimates of current cancer treatment using the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 01/11/16Question Order Experiments in the German-European Context
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 06/10/16The effect of interviewers’ motivation and attitudes on respondents‘ consent to contact secondary respondents in a multi-actor design
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 01/07/16A Case Study of Error in Survey Reports of Move Month Using the U.S. Postal Service Change of Address Records
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 08/06/16Measuring the survey climate: the Flemish case
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 17/05/16Web survey experiments on fully balanced, minimally balanced and unbalanced rating scales
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 09/05/16Comparing smartphones to tablets for face-to-face interviewing in Kenya
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 18/12/15Altering the Survey-taking Climate: The Case of the 2010 U.S. Census
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/11/15What do web survey panel respondents answer when asked “Do you have any other comment?”
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 13/11/15Obtaining Record Linkage Consent: Results from a Wording Experiment in Germany
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 03/09/15A Free Audio-CASI Module for LimeSurvey
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 09/07/15Simultaneous Raking of Survey Weights at Multiple Levels
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 12/06/15E-Appointments in Empirical Field Research
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 11/06/15Self-identification of occupation in web surveys: requirements for search trees and look-up tables
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 16/04/15How to weight survey data with a dyadic multi-actor design?
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/02/15Special issue: ‘Weighting: Practical Issues and ‘How to’ Approach
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/02/15The Impact of Typical Survey Weighting Adjustments on the Design Effect: A Case Study
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/02/15Weighting Procedures for Dual Frame Telephone Surveys: A Case Study in Egypt
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/02/15Computing Sampling Weights in Large-Scale Assessments in Education
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/02/15Finding Respondents in the Forest: A Comparison of Logistic Regression and Random Forest Models for Response Propensity Weighting and Stratification
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/02/15Why We Should Put Some Weight on Weights.
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 20/02/15Should Recall of Previous Votes Be Used to Adjust Estimates of Voting Intention?
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 12/12/14Data Collection Mode Effects On Political Knowledge
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 29/08/14Consumers’ Recording Behaviour in Payment Diaries – Empirical Evidence from Germany
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 17/07/14Costs and benefits of reaching parents for survey participation through school communication systems: testing the potential of a straightforward convenience sample
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 26/06/14Fieldwork Monitoring in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 06/06/14Does the Choice of Header Images influence Responses? Findings from a Web Survey on Students’ Housing Situation
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 23/05/14The impact of contact effort on mode-specific selection and measurement bias
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 30/04/14Merchant Steering of Consumer Payment Choice: Lessons Learned From Consumer Surveys
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 05/02/14Collecting saliva samples for DNA extraction from children and parents: findings from a pilot study using lay interviewers in the UK
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 13/01/14Asking Survey Respondents about Reasons for Their Behavior: A Split Ballot Experiment in Ethiopia
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss
- 22/11/13Challenges in the Treatment of Unit Nonresponse for Selected Business Surveys: A Case Study
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 07/08/13Good questions, bad questions? A Post-Survey Evaluation Strategy Based on Item Nonresponse.
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 12/07/13Developing a Master Sample Design for Household Surveys in Developing Countries: A Case Study in Bangladesh
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 08/05/13Research Note: Reducing the Threat of Sensitive Questions in Online Surveys?
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 05/04/13Reincarnation Revisited. Question format and the distribution of belief in reincarnation in survey research
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 01/03/13A Comparison of Results from a Spanish and English Mail Survey: Effects of Instruction Placement on Item Missingness
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 01/03/13Response Latency Measurement in Surveys. Detecting Strong Attitudes and Response Effects
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 31/01/13Prevalence of Cell Phone Sharing
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 31/01/13Understanding and Improving the External Survey Environment of Official Statistics
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 25/01/13Coverage Bias in European Telephone Surveys: Developments of Landline and Mobile Phone Coverage across Countries and over Time
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss - 23/01/13Measuring Interviewer Characteristics Pertinent to Social Surveys: A Conceptual Framework
- Cláudia Cunha | Alice Delerue Matos | Gina Voss